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Cuban Cigar Information
Cuban Cigar Information, Cuban Cigars Prices 2014, How much do Cuban Cigars Cost in Cuba? Cigar pricing, Cuba, Havana, Veradero, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo, Cayo Santa Maria, Santiago de Cuba, Cayo Guillermo
"The Habanos, S.A. Corporation (Habanos S.A.) is a Cuban joint venture with the share capital owned 50%-50% by Cubatabaco, a Cuban Government company and Altadis, a Spanish company owned by IMPERIAL TOBACCO GROUP PLC, a British Tobacco Company." (credit to Habanos, S.A. website)
Be sure to check out the La Casa del Habano (aka LCdH) and the Habanos S.A websites. Besides the standard cigar size info, you'll find a search page to locate the nearest LCdH, videos on the making of cigars, history of the different brands, wallpapers, and so much more.
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